Thyroid Disease Symptoms

When it comes to thyroid disease symptoms, it sometimes seems that the symptoms of a thyroid that is overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism) can be as hard to pin down as the diagnosis itself. Check out any web site or open any medical reference book and you will surely see many different lists of the symptoms supposedly pointing to thyroid disease and problems. Among reputable medical sources, it seems that there is some medical agreement on the basic symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, the causes of thyroid disease, and available treatments. Please click on any of the links on this page for more specific information about thyroid disease symptoms.

After being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, many people start developing a variety of symptoms that they don't mention in the doctor's office. Many doctors and articles don't mention some of the less common symptoms of thyroid disease.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (An underactive thyroid)

fatigue, exhaustion
feeling run down and sluggish
difficulty concentrating, brain fog
unexplained or excessive weight gain
dry, coarse and/or itchy skin
dry, coarse and/or thinning hair
feeling cold, especially in the extremities
muscle cramps
increased menstrual flow
more frequent periods

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (An overactive thyroid)

increased perspiration
thinning of your skin
fine brittle hair
muscular weakness especially involving the upper arms and thighs
shaky hands
panic disorder
racing heart
more frequent bowel movements
weight loss despite a good appetite
lighter flow, less frequent menstrual periods

But these symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg. There are comprehensive lists of detailed symptoms featured here on our site.

With hypothyroidism, there are a number of various symptoms and risk factors that should be looked at in evaluating whether or not you are hypothyroid. Start by reviewing the "Hypothyroidism Symptoms", a detailed, comprehensive checklist of hypothyroidism symptoms that you can review and bring to your doctor to aid in getting a proper diagnosis. In addition, read “Do you have hypothyroid?”, which offers a step-by-step listing to help you determine if you are hypothyroid.

With hyperthyroidism, you should look at the additional symptoms and information regarding being hyperthyroid. The “Hyperthyroidism Symptoms” offers a detailed, comprehensive checklist of hyperthyroidism symptoms that you can review and bring to your doctor to aid in getting a proper diagnosis. In addition, “Do you have hyperthyroid?” presents a step-by-step listing to help you determine if you are hyperthyroid.

Despite the fact that these are caused by the thyroid, knowing is better than not knowing. Many people feel so sick that they sometimes worry that we have some incurable disease. A reasonably priced home thyroid test is available to help you determine if you have a thyroid problem.

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American Thyroid Association